Electronic Arts: No "EA Play" live

EA Play Live 2021 As IGN reports, Electronic Arts has canceled the traditional live event "EA Play" for this summer. Instead, the publisher will present more info about individual games, "when the time is mature for each individual project". EA gave IGN to the following commentary: "We love EA PLAY live because it is our way to contact with our players and announce what news there is. However, this year simply does not give it all that we do not can show up exciting things in our world-class studios and this year we will show much more of these projects when the time is ripe for each individual project. We look forward to the year's time with you spend!"

Every year in June, EA has traditionally held a press conference or LiveStream during the E3. In 2016, the event was first converted into a live event named EA PLAY, where fans could do the future titles of the publisher. Already last year EA was forced to cancel the event on site due to the Covid19 pandemic and instead to make a stream from it. Although live events return slowly, we will have to be patient until we have more about EAS plans and games, e.g. ResPawn's sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fall Order experienced.
