Patents reveal new gameplay mechanics for botw 2

The rumors ended up being true and indeed, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 was not present during The Game Awards 2021. The absence of this game was certainly disappointing for many, but at least we have new information about its gameplay mechanics thanks to the multi-patent registration.

Nintendo Patents show Breath of the Wild 2 Mechanics & Abilities

game reactor.EU has been investigating and discovered several patents registered by Nintendo that reinforce some functions views during its disclosure trailer at E3 2021, and it gives us a better idea of ​​what to expect of them.

All these patents show us concepts that we will surely see reflected in the mechanics of GAMEPLAY. For example, in the trailer we could see link exit at the bottom of a platform and exit on the top via a portal. This patent suggests that, in theory, link could replicate this same movement on any other surface.

Then we have a rewind function, which could be used for all types of puzzles and designs of dungeons in this sequel. Maybe we can even see it incorporated into the combat system.

Finally, we can see a patent of link falling, same action that we saw at some point of the trailer. In the drawing we can see link make use of the arch in full flight, something that could also be incorporated into the gameplay in one way or another. Maybe in combat or maybe to solve certain puzzles.

Editor's Note: With luck, you will no longer miss a long time to have a new advance on BOTH 2. Apparently in the trailer, the game looks that you already have a good progress and hope that Nintendo can fulfill your fiancé to launch it at some point of 2022. Maybe we'll see it at the Christmas season of the following year.


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